My training here is always challenging because of the hills that I never have at home on the Texas Gulf Coast.
Every single day that I had bike training to do it was brutal. The stupid hills never got any shorter or less steep. If it was a good day, meaning I was not tired at the start, I was able to manage the hills a little better. But it was always tough. The first 30 minutes each bike ride was the hardest part of the ride. The road I was on was a continuous climb and I was never warmed up for it. The only thing that kept me pushing myself was the fear of crashing. I HAD to keep pedaling no matter how hard it was or how bad I felt because the alternative was not an option.
There were hills that I always had to walk a portion of. But on the last day I made it all the way to the top without walking.
The weather for the most part has been agreeable except for last weekend when I had a 5 hr bike ride to do and it was in the 100's. Staying hydrated was an issue and I'm sure I was in distress for a large part of it.
Swimming in the Meadowbrook Pool is my favorite thing to do in Baltimore. It is a beautiful facility and the training there is great. I might consider moving to Baltimore just so I can swim at Meadowbrook. I've met some wonderful people and renewed old friendships at Meadowbrook. Even though the distance, several 3000 meter swims, was challenging, I love the challenge. My arms never got tired but I get tired all over. :)
Most of my running has been on the NCR Trail. I've been focusing on form lately. I never run fast but I'm trying to not 'just shuffle' along. It seems the older we get the less we pick up our feet when we run, so it looks like a shuffle. I'm focusing on improving that. I think if I don't shuffle I actually run faster. Duh!
Training volume is increasing weekly. That's okay. That's the only way I can do this. What seems like an impossible thing to do actually becomes very possible. What was impossible a few months ago I can now do regularly. It's amazing how that works.
When you start to get that feeling of Fitness it is great. I can really feel the difference. I'm feeling that now. I enjoy working hard. My body is adapting and I can do so much more volume now. I still have a way to go, but I'm making steady progress. The body is an an incredible machine.
We'll be driving the next two days back to Tex so I'll get a little rest. But I suspect I'll be back on my bike Thurs acclimating to the Texas heat and humidity.
Stan and I entered a race to be held in Sept in Dallas. I'm doing a half ironman and Stan is doing a sprint. That will be a good test of my conditioning for Hawaii. I hope I tear up the course... it's FLAT!
Until next time...